Praktek-Praktek Manajemen Kualitas dan Kinerja Inovasi Pada Industri Komponen Mesin


  • Budi Sumartono


quality management, quality performance, product innovation


In the increasingly competitive marketplace, both quality and innovation play an important role in achieving and maintaining a sustainable competitive advantage. However, empirical studies focusing on the relationship between quality management, quality, and innovation is relatively limited. The study aims to investigate the relationship between quality management practices, quality performance, and product innovation performance. A survey method is applied to collect data involving 68 manufacturing companies located in Jakarta province of Indonesia. The findings support the idea that quality management implementation provides a foundation to develop innovation performance. By distinguishing quality management into two dimensions, this study contributes to advance an understanding concerning different role played by these two dimensions in determining innovation. The findings highlight the importance of implementing "hard" dimension of quality management to foster the learning process that leads to innovation, as well as the important role played by "soft" dimension of quality management in supporting the process.


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How to Cite

Sumartono, B. (2019). Praktek-Praktek Manajemen Kualitas dan Kinerja Inovasi Pada Industri Komponen Mesin. Jurnal Ilmiah Teknologi Industri, 1(2). Retrieved from