Penerapan Teknologi Manufaktur, Praktek-Praktek Perbaikan Operasi, dan Kompetensi Manufaktur Pada Industri Elektrikal


  • Raihan


manufacturing technology, operation improvement, manufacturing flexibility


To respond to the increasing environment uncertainty, manufacturing companies need to improve the manufacturing flexibility competence as a source of competitive advantage. This study aims to provide a more understanding of manufacturing flexibility by investigating the effect of manufacturing technology and operation improvements practices on manufacturing flexibility competence. This study uses a survey to collect data involving 73 manufacturing companies to test the models representing the relationship of these three variables. The results showed that a moderation model is the best model. Furthermore, the results showed that the use of advanced manufacturing technology has a greater influence on the manufacturing flexibility competence when the companies implement the operation improvement practices. In other words, manufacturing flekesibilitas will not be achieved by purchasing modern equipments and building automation alone; the companies is also must develop the improvement practices for using manufacturing technology effectively, thereby enhancing the role of operation improvement within the development of manufacturing flexibility competence.


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How to Cite

Raihan. (2021). Penerapan Teknologi Manufaktur, Praktek-Praktek Perbaikan Operasi, dan Kompetensi Manufaktur Pada Industri Elektrikal. Jurnal Ilmiah Teknologi Industri, 1(2). Retrieved from