Title | Reformasi Hukum |
Accreditated | SINTA 5 |
ISSN | 2686-1593 (online-elektronik) 1693-9336 (print-cetak) |
Issue Frequency | 3 issues every year (April, August, December) |
DOI Prefiks | 10.46257 |
Indexing | [Dimensions] [Google Scholar] [ROAD] [Garuda] [DRJI] [Sinta] [DOI] [Crossref] [Onesearch.id] [Scilit] |
Publisher Address | Faculty of Law, Universitas Islam Jakarta. Jl. Balai Rakyat, Utan Kayu, Matraman, Jakarta Timur (13120) |
Website | https://ojs.uid.ac.id/index.php/jrh/index |
Editor in Chief | Mimin Mintarsih, S.H., M.H. |
Reformasi Hukum is a peer reviewed journal published 3 times a year (April, August, December). This journal is published by the Faculty of Law Universitas Islam Jakarta, with the aim of being a forum and communication medium, as well as a means to publish the results of scientific studies on various kinds of actual problems in the legal field, for lecturers, researchers and the public. Reformasi Hukum Journal is accredited by SINTA 5 based on the Decree of the Director General of Higher Education and Technology Number 225/E/KPT/2022.
Reformasi Hukum Journal (JRH) has been published since 1998, started having a printed ISSN in 2009 and online in 2019, therefore until now, JRH has been recognized for its existence. JRH is oriented towards scientific writings in the field of Law.
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Reformasi Hukum (e-ISSN : 2686-1593 | p-ISSN : 1693-9336) is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0).
Published by Faculty of Law, Universitas Islam Jakarta.
Jl. Balai Rakyat, Utan Kayu, Matraman, Jakarta Timur (13120)